You Still Have Time to Reach Those End-of-Year Goals

Going into 2018 I set a goal for myself to establish a retirement plan for Merino Wealth. I looked into options, received feedback from my employees, and figured out the logistics. I then decided on the type of plan, the company match, and even planned to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into the investments. While presenting at financial workshops to audiences all over Chicago, I announced this as my top 2018 goal. Wanna guess what happened next?

Yes, I hate to admit this, but I procrastinated. Month after month, it hung over my head. Month after month, I told my employees that it was on my “to do” list. Month after month, I ran the calculation of how much I needed to contribute personally to reach the annual maximum. And month after month, it fell to the bottom of my list. Does this sound familiar? Like maybe one of your top 2018 goals?

I was easily distracted by answering emails, taking out the garbage, and liking pictures on Facebook. Retirement plan slipped to the bottom of the list. It’s easy to procrastinate when you’re busy, especially when you feel pretty comfortable financially (like I was). What distractions are holding you back from achieving the things that you want?

When I finally sat down in August, it took me 40 minutes to set up our retirement plan. I procrastinated 8 months on something that took 40 minutes! How ridiculous is that!? Now it’s December and not only can I say that I set up the plan, I’m also on track to max it out.

As the year draws to an end ask yourself, What do I want to check off my 2018 list before the New Year? Because take my word for it, when you stop procrastinating, it feels pretty darn good. Let us know if we can help.

Contact us to help you reach your goals!

The views expressed today are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of my broker-dealer, The Investment Center, Inc. or my Registered Investment Advisor, IC Advisory Services, Inc. The information contained is derived from sources believed to be accurate. However we do not guarantee its accuracy. The information contained is for general use and it is not intended to cover all aspects of a particular matter. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us or a solicitation of the purchase or sale of any securities. The information contained is not appropriate, by itself, to guide investment decisions.

All Securities Offered Through The Investment Center, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services Provided Through IC Advisory Services, Inc. – An SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Jessica Merino is a registered representative of The Investment Center, Inc. Merino Wealth Management is not affiliated with The Investment Center, Inc. or IC Advisory Services, Inc.