2020 Is Almost Here, Act Now on Those Financial To-Do List Items

I don’t know about you, but 2019 has flown by!  I can’t believe that it’s already December, but here we are.  In true Oprah fashion here are some of My Favorite Things for 2019:  

·         All things Lizzo

·         Andrew Yang and The Freedom Dividend

·         US Women’s Soccer

·         The final season of Game of Thrones (I know, I know, but still)

·         #EqualityCantWait 208 years

·         And this episode of Barry

We’ve also reached record highs in the stock market yet again in what’s now one of the longest bull markets in US history.  

So if you’re looking at your 2019 “to do” list and feel as though you haven’t tackled enough the time to take action is NOW.  Not tomorrow. Not the day after. NOW. We have less than a month to go before the year is officially over and December 31st is a hard deadline.  Check out my mini-checklist to see if you’ve missed anything:

·         Have you maxed out your employer-sponsored retirement plan?  

·         Do you have any tax deduction planning/year-end spending to tackle this month?  

·         What tax loss harvesting have you done?

·         Are there any income goals that can be completed in time for your 2019 tax return such as hitting your sales goal or taking a distribution from your business?

·         What’s going on with your portfolio and how will it be impacted by an election year?

·         What steps have you taken towards your BIG FINANCIAL GOAL (like starting that college fund, buying your dream house, selling off your company stock, paying off your credit cards)? 

If you answered “I don’t know” or “whoops” to any of these questions then don’t worry there’s still time.  Not much time, but there’s some. Taking action now will be better than looking back with regrets. So get to it NOW.  

And if you need help let us know.  Trust me you’ll feel Good as Hell!