
Do You Fall Into the Wealth Gap?

Do You Fall Into the Wealth Gap?

I’ll admit that I’ve learned a lot this year. And I’ve only scratched the surface of what I don’t know. I’ve spent a quarter of my life formally studying finance, which says a lot considering that most people receive no formal education in this area. Through college, where I majored in Finance at UW Madison, the years spent taking personal finance classes to earn my CFP®, and most recently my CIMA® certification coursework at The University of Chicago Booth, one topic was never addressed: wealth gaps.

Transgender Men and Women in the Workplace: Higher Gender Pay Inequality and Discrimination

Transgender Men and Women in the Workplace: Higher Gender Pay Inequality and Discrimination

On a recent car trip, I found myself captivated by an interview with Lily Zheng author of “Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace:  Transgender and Gender Diverse Discrimination.”  In writing her book, Zheng and her co-author Alison Fogarty analyzed the relationship between gender identity and workplace performance.   In this process, they analyzed the research of gender in the workplace and also interviewed 25 gender diverse individuals who agreed to share their insights and experiences.  In writing this book it’s their hope “that someday trans people and trans communities can secure economic well-being-and the political, social, religious, and cultural liberation that must accompany it.”

Everyone's Financial Situation Is Unique, But We Are All Equal

Everyone's Financial Situation Is Unique, But We Are All Equal

Recently I received a call from someone I hadn’t heard from in years. A lot had changed since we originally met! She had gotten married, made partner, and was pregnant with her third child. With all of these changes, it seemed like a great time to work on financial planning for her family. I mentioned that we work with a lot of working parents with small kids, so it’s our goal to try to help them feel more comfortable with their financial decisions.

There Is No “One Size Fits All” Approach to Financial Planning

There Is No “One Size Fits All” Approach to Financial Planning

A year ago Michael and I found ourselves at an industry conference listening to the politically incorrect keynote speaker.  He focused a portion of his presentation on the issues with children who aren’t raised in households of married heterosexual families.  He asserted that these children weren’t as capable as those who were raised by a married mother and father.  By the end, we were both feeling pretty offended by the fact that the organizers of this conference felt it was appropriate to bring this person to present to us.